Upper Body Massage - Stonebriar Spa Frisco, TX

Upper Body Massage Frisco, TX

The Best Quick Massage in Frisco, TX to target specific areas of pain.

Do you have a pain in the neck or back, or shoulder, or hip? Pain is your body’s way of communicating to you that something is wrong. When you’re living with chronic pain, you may often find yourself sitting, standing, walking, and performing daily tasks differently to compensate for your pain. If you aren’t careful, these adjustments can result in pulled muscles, soreness, and even injury.

One way to avoid this scenario and relieve some of your discomforts is to receive a quick, targeted massage on the affected area. Make an appointment with an experienced massage therapist and get pain relief.

Regular maintenance massage can manage chronic pain. Your massage therapist will work with you to develop a treatment plan to reduce pain and improve mobility. Stonebriar Spa massage therapist has extensive experience and advanced training making them the best in Frisco, TX and surrounding areas.

Pressure Massage Adjusted to You

If the massage pressure feels too deep or light, be sure to let your therapist know so they can accommodate your personal preference. Pain tolerance is unique for each client – a light touch for one client might be another client’s medium pressure. You will be asked about pressure – please answer honestly and completely. It is one of the most important parts of your massage.

35 mins $90.00 Per Person

Enhancements available to elevate your massage experience

Enhancements Price
Aromatherapy $20
Dry Brush Exfoliation $30
CBD treatment (per area) $25 - $60
LED Light Therapy (per area) $25 - $60
Stones (per area) $25